Exercise Healthy Living

In the Prime post: Toward a happier and healthier community

Hi all,

It’s a dreary winter day here. It seems a good time to ponder warmer sunny images and hopeful notions.

I found a great article on a town in southern Spain. They did something remarkable there.

Their transformation, if you will let me use such a word, inspired me to write a short note on the Courier-Journal blog.

Here is the start:

In the famous baseball movie, Ray Kinsella did not listen to the skeptics. He stuck with the whisper. He built it; and they came to play.

Let me tell you about a real world field of dreams and how their example could lead our community to a healthier place.

All Louisvillians can agree on certain things. We would like to see our city become a greener and cleaner place, populated with happier and fitter citizens. And this: policies with these goals must be cost-effective. No one wants to waste money.

With this in mind, I would like to point you to warm and sunny town many miles away that accomplished such a feat.

To read more, just click on this In the Prime link.

Happy Friday.