More than a year ago, I wrote about the amazing educator, Sal Khan. His website, KhanAcademy, has become an educational behemoth. Using colorful and warmly narrated ten-minute YouTube videos, Sal explains–with breathtaking clarity–almost everything you might want or need to know. He made me grin about re-learning how to do a derivative. He even personally […]
Author: Dr John
Most Fridays, I attempt to jot down some reflections about doctoring, or life, or ideally the confluence of both. Today I have a picture that speaks far better than words. It came via a text message from a cyclist that enjoys riding in the morning. If you don’t stay up too late, blogging, reading journals, […]
When cyclists find out that I am a heart doctor, they most frequently ask about cholesterol numbers. “…My cholesterol is this…What do you think?†“…My doctor wants me to take a statin…But I read that these drugs might lower my functional threshold power 2.014 watts/40km.” All this focus on numbers saddens me. Remember, I am […]
Trying our hand at research
In a classroom, when you are passionate about something, it seems natural to raise your hand and ask a question, or make a comment. That’s how we feel about AF ablation in our EP lab. And it is amazing what can be learned when you actually look back at your past clinical data. What you […]
Friday Reflections: It’s easy?
When people ask about my trip to Hamburg I start by saying that I am an American, and I love my country. I do. I really do. And Memorial Day weekend is indeed a great time to reflect on those that gave their lives so that we are free. That said though, my reentry back […]
Good morning all. Cycling Wednesday fell prey to the Springtime weather in Kentucky. Right before post time last evening, our power (which means internet) went down when a large thunderstorm rolled through. Here’s what I have for you this week: It is hardly news to say that we need better means to predict who will […]
I have been in Hamburg, Germany for the past five days. I enjoyed an amazing opportunity to visit one of the world’s most respected heart rhythm labs. Among other things, the main purpose was to learn a new way to ablate atrial fibrillation. It was an incredible learning experience, one for which I owe an […]
Those interested in the treatment of heart disease reveled in some very important news this week. News which further strengthens the position that heart disease may be assailable without implanting titanium into our bodies. A group of researchers from the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) reported–without much fanfare–that patients enrolled in an old-fashioned cardiac rehab program […]
Earlier this month, heart rhythm professionals from all over the world met in San Francisco. I found the 2011 version of the Heart Rhythm Society meeting an incredible learning experience–a buffet of knowledge on all matters electric. Here’s a book report of sorts on a few atrial fibrillation (AF) related issues: From above the trees, […]
“Perfectionism is the voice of oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life… …I think perfectionism is based on the obsessive belief that if you run carefully enough, hitting each stepping stone just right, you won’t have to die. The truth is that you will die anyway […]
Your knee hurts. Your back aches. Your muscles are soooo sore the day after trying that new exercise. I get this; I race bikes. Yet I urge you to avoid seeking relief in the form of the pain-relievers called Non-Steroidal-Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, or NSAIDs. You have heard the names before: ibuprofen (Advil), naprosyn (Aleve), diclofenac (Voltaren), […]