HCPLive , an online, medical news site tweeted this question: If you had the president’s ear for fifteen minutes, what would you say to him about the current state of our health care system? Ok then. This is a good one. You can just type it out free lance–for fun and all, snark-free, with a […]
Author: Dr John
Largesse: (Form thefreedictionary.com): 1. a. Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner. b. Money or gifts bestowed. 2. Generosity of spirit or attitude. Two days into last week’s Heart Rhythm Society meeting, Propublica, an independent online investigative journalism-in-the-public-interest endeavor published a series of high profile articles as part of their Dollars […]
Cycling Wednesday postponed this week
Good evening, no I mean good morning, from HRS 2011, San Francisco. Due to a series of flight delays, and lack of Internet access, I can’t quite eek out a CW post. I am going to bed. Stand by for Heart Rhythm news in the upcoming days. JMM
Guess what made the heart rhythm news wire yesterday? It wasn’t a new medicine, or a new stent, not even a new ablation catheter, and, it surely wasn’t a revolution in motivating people to exercise. It was words. Rhetoric… It seems that one man, Dr John Wilson, read all of the major ICD trials, dating […]
How about those twenty-year-olds from the new fitness, health and happiness network, the Greatist? Just because twenty-somethings gave us Facebook and Apple, do these youngers really think they can affect heart disease more than us fancy doctors? We are the experts. How could they? They don’t wear white coats or scrubs. They didn’t go to […]
Recently, while writing a note on a hospital chart, I overheard a patient and their family scolding the nursing staff. Inflammation always peaks my interest. Somehow, it soothes me when I’m not involved. After the ruckus calmed, I asked the nurse what all that was about. “Oh, Dr Mandrola, this patient is so hard to […]
The number of emails that come from fellow cyclists (and endurance athletes) with heart rhythm issues amazes me. I am more convinced than ever that our “hobby” predisposes us to electrical issues like atrial fibrillation (AF)—that the science is right. Obviously, my pedaling “habit” creates an exposure bias. I hear from many of you because […]
Grand Rounds is up.
Jackie Fox, at her blog Dispatch from Second Base, is the curator of this week’s gathering of medical blog entires. She maintains a nicely written, informative blog that meshes breast cancer, gratitude, humor and life. That’s a full pot of soup, for sure. Medical grand rounds doesn’t always have a theme, but this week it […]
Wait… Before reading any further, I would like to issue a warning. If your ideas about healthcare delivery are of an older ilk; if you cling white-knuckled to past dogma, please stop reading now. What follows may cause your atria to fibrillate. Last month I wrote that the best tool for treating atrial fibrillation (AF) […]
It’s been a rough couple of weeks for medical bloggers. For us heart rhythm folks, in case you had not heard, there is an ongoing DOJ investigation of ICDs. Electrophysiologists put in ICDs. These life-saving devices are complicated to use, require sound clinical judgment, along with a thorough discussion with the patient. That’s all I […]
I had planned to write this week’s cycling post on the futility of even considering the existence of any one “best” exercise. Gretchen Reynold’s NY Times Magazine essay entitled, “What’s the best exercise,” got me thinking about this highly bloggable topic. Initially, such fodder seemed a perfect topic. There are few exercises I have not […]