We all know that successful bike racers are mentally strong. But what is unknown, and hotly debated, is the role of mental toughness in an athlete’s success. (Granted, we know it isn’t their predilection to drooling.) So, is it 5% mental, 20% mental or even 50%? In sports psychology, there are the traditionalists who say […]
Author: Dr John
This week’s Medical Grand Rounds–Indecision 2010: Politically (In)Correct Edition–was hosted by the prolific medical blogger, Dr Wes Fisher. Check it out. And yes, in the spirit of self-promotion known to all bloggers, yours truly has a mention. JMM
There’s fitness and nutrition. And cycling, with its metaphors. And electrophysiology, AF and-the-like. Stories of clinical judgement–which require playground-sense not biochem-sense to master. The tragedies of intrusions to the doctor-patient relationship. All worthy topics for blog posts. But today, while in pajama’s, with sticky eyes, well before the sun showed herself, there is only one […]
The dabigatran party isn’t even cleaned-up yet, when another warfarin competitor has hit the press wires. As reported on Cardiobrief from a Bayer press release, Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) was as effective as warfarin in stroke prevention in patients’ with AF. A composite of major and minor bleeding events were also similar to warfarin. Rivaroxaban is a […]
Have you ever thought, “What if I won an election and was put in charge of an administration.” Halloween weekend seems the perfect time for considering the fantasy (or some would arguer horror) of a DrJohnM administration. (Let it be known, I have some leadership experience: I lead local group rides with some success. A […]
How long did Henry’s revelation last? How long did he stay “nice” after his head injury. For me, it has only been 5 days since “I whacked my head so hard, it turned me nice.” The frenetic pace this week, and especially today, has been a real test of such ‘concussive niceness.’ In doctoring, weeks […]
In response to my story on how physician consolidation and hospital ownership of doctors is affecting patient referral patterns, I received an email with this attached PDF file. (Smudges mine) Click to enlarge It is from a cardiac surgeon who doggedly chooses to remain independent. This document appears on his website and also ran in […]
Bike racer’s blogs are legendary for their self-indulgent, mind-numbing race reports. Professional cyclocross racer, Georgia Gould, characterized this disease best when I asked her whether she had a blog, Facebook fan-page or twitter-feed: “No, I am not into that stuff…Would anyone really care about the details of my racing? To me, it would seem very […]
As a specialist, one of the saddest truisms about practicing medicine in the private world has always been how little one’s clinical skills determines referrals. Unfortunately, as our present healthcare climate pushes “providers” to consolidate along the lines of major hospital networks this injustice will only worsen. A decade-or-so ago when I started private practice […]
Like most doctors, I have, on rare occasions, been bestowed an award of one kind or another. In this way medicine parallels the current everyone-is-a-winner ethos of society. Nonetheless, awards are nearly always a good thing, and so being asked to serve as the official race doctor of the USGP was a shiny trophy indeed. […]
More Tests…
In the predawn darkness on a cool October morning, I sit and wonder, Will there be a call to the front row,Will the pedal click in on the first go, Will the legs respond, the cerebellum too, Peace, not chaos, perhaps, It doesn’t matter, Really? Telll that to the rumblings of the mind, the stare, […]