

Part of finding (searching for) the ultimate balance in Life is getting away. For this family, extended to a number of cycling-teenagers as it is, summer vacation means coming here. I will see you all next week.  Unless of course I discover any worthy pictorial posts to share. JMM

Cycling Stuff Reflection

Taking tests teach us much…

When I started this blog a year or so ago, I promised myself that it would be devoid of self-absorbed race reports.  The minutia of the race and the “woulda-shoulda-couldas” surely qualify as lousy content.  Even my family looks bored when the details of races are discussed. So I will not drone on about yesterday’s […]

inflammation Reflection

Have a heart America…

As an American, I was proud when I heard the news.  I grinned to myself. It was on my way to work, through a beautiful city park, with the sun rising over the hillside.  The morning radio program reported the news that a California judge overturned their state’s ban on gay marriage. I know what you […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Reflection

Cycling Wed: Recognizing chapter breaks in life…

What was, is not always what is. Things change. This is true in cycling as it is in medicine. Seeing such change takes some observational skill. Looking back on life (‘retrospectively’ is how we term it in the medical world), it is easy to identify such chapter breaks.  Far more challenging, though, is to note […]

Doctoring Health Care Health Care Reform


I present interesting cases to colleagues often.  Because it is educational and good for patient care, and because I like to.  But it has been many years since I was mandated to present a case. It seems that I am not the only doctor exasperated by this pesky new barrier to patient care: “doctors-in-cubicles.” An old […]

AF ablation Health Care Health Care Reform Healthy Living

If I was Surgeon General…

I would follow the lead of our country’s first Mom. This is serious folks. We, as an American society, need to solve the obesity crisis.  Not just for our physical health, but for our country’s financial stability. Reducing the spiraling costs of health care is wanted by all.  So far, prevention of the diseases which […]

General Medicine Health Care Healthy Living

Medical innovation cannot cure fatness…

Possessing great intelligence is not a guarantee for being right. Judges and professors are surely smart, but the quagmire that is the obesity epidemic can fell the smartest of the smart.  So it is when a professor of public policy and a famous federal circuit judge, author and senior lecturer at the University of Chicago […]


Happy Friday….

As sent to me by a patient, via email… JMM

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Reflection

Cycling Wed: Taking tests in life is a choice…

Do you remember the visceral sensations of angst over an upcoming final exam? Or the first procedure as an independent doctor. A major presentation, perhaps. Life’s exams test not only specific knowledge and skill, but one’s self-esteem as well. And it is the self-esteem portion that creates the stomach churn, the palpitations and the random […]

Doctoring Health Care

When in Rome…

In the quiet of the exam room, the patient’s cell phone obnoxiously chimes to life. “Hold on a minute Doc, I’ve been expecting this text.” You think, but dare not say, “you are kidding me, right?” This scenario is just one of technology’s canker sores. Undoubtedly, the new world of always-on communication has irreversibly redefined […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Healthy Living

Alcohol and atrial fibrillation: questions, conflicts and choices…

Have you ever had a cold beer after a mountain bike ride? Oh my! But does such indulgence put one at risk for an arrhythmia? Does alcohol exacerbate an existing arrhythmia? How much, if any, alcohol is acceptable? These are questions I am asked frequently.  And for those asking, they are very important questions. I […]