AF ablation Doctoring Health Care Health Care Reform Reflection

Where’s my “foundation?”

This week I traveled to a major “arrhythmia institute” in the southern US. For a specialist in a rapidly evolving field, venturing out of the protected cocoon of one’s routine, to see other’s approach, especially those at major referral centers, is immensely helpful.  Although trips like this do not count for CME, they are just […]

Atrial fibrillation General Medicine

Warfarin as a life-saver…

In cancer treatment, detection of a tumor in an early stage markedly increases the chance of favorable outcomes.   Can the much-maligned blood thinner, warfarin, occasionally help in early detection of cancer? Few pharmacologic agents receive more bad press than warfarin.  Stories, which are too numerous to count, like “Did warfarin kill my father,” can […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed

Cycling Wednesdays: #7 A top ten list on reasons to ride (and race) a bike…

This week’s installment of cycling verbiage comes as a guest post from a really cool cycling mate. Not only was Brian gifted with competent mitochondria, he also has the yet unidentified gene for crafting incredibly entertaining lists. Yes, he is gifted for sure, but bikes were clearly not made for traversing sand… Here is Brian’s […]

Health Care Health Care Reform


When a letter comes from a hospital employee with the title Appeals Coordinator, Patient Management Services, it is not likely to be good news. And it was not. That there is such a cubicle somewhere deep within hospital administration real estate speaks metaphorically to the current health-care delivery quagmire. Keeping the case details turned down low, […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation

AF Ablation 301: A quest for clarity…

After reading this Washington Post story on the complexity of AF ablation decisions, I wrote, and wrote, and it just didn’t come together well.  Not well enough to do the topic of AF ablation justice.  Then this thoughtful email came. My question: How does a patient have even the faintest idea whose advice is better […]


Happy Father’s Day…

If it was easy, it wouldn’t be as rewarding. Dads know bunches. They know that… you need to watch the ball, always, you should pay attention while driving, focus, you need to study hard, so as to procure a good job, (and it might help you be a better blogger some day,) your injuries will […]

Healthy Living

Get faster on the bike by watching Golf: Low T?

Cyclists don’t usually watch much golf. I was simply flipping channels when the commercial jumped out at me. The volume was down low when the tired looking, drilled-out middle-aged guy appears. He looks like many of my male AF patients.  Then, next to this especially pale-skinned dumpy looking guy, the words appear… “Do you have […]

Doctoring ICD/Pacemaker Knowledge Reflection

Clinical decision making 301: The Sprint Fidelis ICD lead…

The implantable defibrillator (ICD) is an amazing life-saving device.  When used in the appropriate patient, the scientific data supporting its benefit is rock solid. The sudden death-averting appropriate ICD shock in the middle of the night, allows the patient to enjoy breakfast with his spouse, rather than admission to the morgue. ICD function seems simple: […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed

Need a reason to ride a bike…

By Tom Moran… Kentucky sure is spectacular at 0620. JMM

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Doctoring Reflection

Cycling Wednesdays: #6: In bike racing and doctoring…if only random misfortune could be defeated…

What’s wrong with this picture? Look closely; make like “a trained observer.” It’s a helpless feeling. You are rested, fed, watered and mentally focused. The whistle blows and you are off. The legs respond, air moves through the thorax effortlessly, and here is the best part: there is separation.  Yes, you are off the front. […]

General Cardiology General Medicine Healthy Living inflammation

Statin drugs are much more than cholesterol lowering agents…

Statin drugs are in the news.  The real truth is coming out. The truth that statin drugs (Zocor, Lipitor, Crestor are a few of the more recognizable names) are much more than simple cholesterol lowering agents. This very informative WSJ piece presents the thesis–first published by renowned experts in the Annals of Internal Medicine this […]