He is 93 and has numerous medical problems, most of which involved aging blood vessels, as well as multiple orthopedic issues, including compression fractures and diffuse arthritis. The bony issues have resulted in a severely compromised mobility of late. Despite ongoing treatment with both aspirin and clopidogrel, he presents after numerous hours of focal neurologic […]
Author: Dr John
While typing words, the advertisement for yet another hospital is overheard from the TV. “Ignore it John,” I think to myself, but, it is impossible to not look up and see. The head shakes with a smirk, like my grandfather did and without words displeasure was easily conveyed. Do people really think the graphical professionalism […]
It has come to be evident -although seemingly obvious- writing words on medical matters for all to see requires a disclaimer. Medical information on the internet should serve an informational and supplemental role. It should increase the knowledge base, provide a scaffolding of a particular problem and serve to enhance the interaction between the doctor […]
Middle age introduces itself in many ways; one is atrial fibrillation. Youth, vigor and a medically-problem free life was seemingly right there in the recent past. A rhythm doctor often hears this suddenness of onset described as “Doc, yesterday, I was fine.” As is always the case for a first episode of an arrhythmia, yesterday, […]
He grabs your hand enthusiastically and looks you in the eye and says in the most convincing tone possible, “nice to meet you Doctor.” So it was at the Lincoln Day dinner given by the Republican Party of Jefferson County, (Louisville) KY. Staci and I were invited guests of the May’s, friends whom we […]
Heart health in KY?
In athletics and in life, those in last place are usually there for a valid reason. Heart health in Kentucky is atrocious. We are battling with Mississippi, WV and Alabama for dead last in most measures of public wellness. Yet, this week, Louisville’s director of Metro Department of Health and Wellness, Dr Adelawe Troutman, actually […]
During residency, there was always a case of mis-diagnosed chest pain to discuss in conference. Incorrectly sending a patient home and missing the diagnosis of cardiac chest pain was an infrequent but repetitively observed phenomenon. So as to tread carefully with words, it is sufficient to say that even now, chest pain triage remains a […]
These days of uncharacteristic winter have created much angst for the many who dwell in a southern state and have southern feelings about snow. For the busy electrophysiologist who lives 5k from the hospital and grew up in New England, the snow provides an intermission from the race -a time out. All in the […]
On the way out of the exam room, after proclaiming her happiness on being cured of a lifelong arrhythmia by a single 4mm radio-frequency ablation lesion, the patient shows me the hospital bill and asks why it costs 39,000 dollars? Of course, the answer requires a few words. We are young doctors in training, learning […]
To live long, there are many guidelines and much to avoid. There is now published data suggesting boredom is a risk for an earlier death. One who is engaged in health reads the litany of things that are detrimental to our existence, and it seems impossible to believe that average lifespans are rising. There are the obvious […]
One of the often sad facts of ablation in the private world of electrophysiology is the lack of “learners,” or visitors who call on our EP lab. Heck, even Henry David enjoyed the occasional visitor to his cabin in the woods. When an inventor, patent holder and heart surgeon with his engineering wiz kid asked […]