Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Cyclocross Reflection

Leadership, teamwork, volunteerism and goodwill…makes stuff work

(Editor’s note: You can skip the words and toggle down to the images at the end.) This past week was about bike racing. As most of you know, I (and my wife and son) race bikes for a local cycling team. Our title sponsor is Papa John’s Pizza, which is headquartered in Louisville. It sounds […]

Reflection Social Media/Writing/Blogging

Trying out a new look

After four years and 823 posts, it was time to try a new look. The old format was getting both wonky and tired. So I did something that doctors struggle with: I changed. I’m not sure that I am settled on the colors and fonts yet, but most of the old stuff is there. The […]

Cycling Stuff Reflection

Why didn’t anybody listen to Lemond? Why don’t we learn from history?

I began cycling for real in the 1990s. This was in no small part due to Greg Lemond. He was an American sporting hero. And, as history teaches us, he still is, now more than ever. History reveals so much. Darn hindsight is crystal clear. In the late 1990s through 2005, when Lance Armstrong’s unbelievable […]

Doctoring Knowledge Reflection

Love the wisdom of physician colleagues

Let’s be honest: If you are bold enough to hit the ‘publish’ button, it’s normal to care what readers think. I write about Medicine; I like doctors; I respect doctors. So it matters how colleagues react to my words. I was both proud and concerned when the Greater Louisville Medical Society decided to republish my […]

Cyclocross Reflection

The cyclcocross community mourns the loss of American pro Amy Dombroski.

Amy Dombroski, an American cyclcocross racer, was killed today in Belgium. She was hit by a truck while on a training ride. The full story can be read at VeloNews. The ‘cross’ community is a tightly knit one. People know each other. It’s a small group of folks hearty enough to embrace the madness of […]

Doctoring Hospice/Palliative Care Reflection

New post up over at Compassion and Control — Lessons from Dr. Donald Low

As some of you may know, has merged with Medscape Cardiology. This will be my first post on the new site. Dr Donald Low was a prominent Canadian physician. When Toronto faced a deadly SARS outbreak a decade ago, Dr Low was a voice of calm and reason. His research in cell signaling and […]

Doctoring Reflection


Doctoring is a great job. It’s a privilege to serve with and for other people. Sadly, the impermanence of it all is often forgotten. This brings it back. I don’t know about you, but I find myself drawn to things that bring me back to the present moment. JMM P.S.  Fellow electrophysiologist Wayne (@Toaster_Pastry) is […]

Doctoring Healthy Living Knowledge Nutrition Reflection

Healthy Privilege, Social Fabric, Education — Perspective means a lot.

Perhaps writing about health matters from the perspective of a cardiologist/bike racer is a little like parenting: At times the message seems less than compassionate, even though it’s born out of concern for others, knowledge and a tincture of middle-age experience. The many excellent comments on my recent telomere/heart-health post stirred me to write a […]

Doctoring Health Care Health Care Reform Reflection

Thoughts on being a flexible doctor

Flexibility… -Bend easy without breaking. -The ability to be easily modified. -Willingness to change or compromise. Social media physician leader Dr. Bryan Vartabedian wrote a post last week in which he called flexibility a necessary skill of the 21st century doctor. He got the idea from another physician leader, Dr. Eric Topol. I’ve been thinking […]

Doctoring General Cardiology ICD/Pacemaker Reflection

End of life care – A great American tragedy.

“Why don’t we die the way we say we want to die? In part because we say we want good deaths but act as if we won’t die at all.” Katy Butler, WSJ There is a humanitarian crisis unfolding right now in nearly every hospital in this nation. Aggressive life-prolonging care of the elderly too […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Reflection

A cycling adventure in Holland

Author’s note: Apologies to regular readers and subscribers who expect hard-hitting medical news. What follows is a ride report, similar to the self-indulgent sort of thing you find on thousands of other cycling blogs. — My last full day in Holland was one that will stick in my mind for a long time. The 2013 […]