This week will be AF week. I am flying to Boston for the renowned Boston AF symposium, Thursday-Sunday. On Wednesday, I’ll be visiting a Harvard hospital to watch a case of cryo-balloon ablation for AF. It will be the second time that I have seen the cryo-balloon, the first was in May 2011 in Hamburg. […]
It has been awhile since I wrote about catheter ablation of Atrial fibrillation (AF). It’s time. Things have changed—for the better. But you wouldn’t have guessed this if all you read were recent headlines. Medpage Today says AF ablation is dogged by complications. calls complications after AF ablation not uncommon. These stories summarize the […]
An antidote…
Without trying very hard you can read about all that gives doctors the blues. CNNMoney recently reported that many docs are actually going broke. It’s true, the take-the-fun-out-of-medicine people push harder all the time. But worry not, I am not going to drone on about negative things. I’m not even going to list one. (Think […]
As a heart doctor, I frequently counsel patients on the importance of regular exercise. The problem with this discussion is that it often devolves from heart physiology to life coaching. And most heart doctors have not been trained in life coaching. Heck, many of us have trouble coaching ourselves. But maybe this blog affords an […]
Two studies published today really gave my thinking brain a workout. The first study: The prestigious medical group, the American College of Physicians (ACP) provocatively decreed, in its recent ethical guidelines, that doctors have a responsibility to use parsimony in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. As reported today on the NPR health blog, Shots, […]
As the calendar arbitrarily marks the New Year, it’s normal for those who seek better health to make promises. Good ones like: I will exercise more. I will exercise smarter. Or, for many of the yet to be turned: I will start exercising. This is because most everyone understands the benefits of exercise. Specifically, it’s […]
The gusty winds of healthcare reform have recently swept through my city, Louisville KY. Similar to what is happening across the US, hospitals in Louisville seek consolidation. Strength be in numbers and in control of patients. The problem with merging University of Louisville Hospital (public), Jewish Hospital and St Mary’s and Elizabeth Hospital (both private) […]
Blogging resolution(s) for 2012
My twitter feed is awash in end-of-the-year posts. The niftiest of these include a site’s most popular posts. That an author publishes a ‘best of’ post must mean they know their traffic stats. Here’s my conflict: When I was on blogger, I followed stats. My tech-savvy younger pals first informed me of stats after I […]
An interesting debate has emerged in cardiology this week. The science is interesting, but equally intriguing–for a general audience–is the stage on which this debate plays out. That social media features prominently could only be called cool. First the debate: What role, if any, should genetic testing play in guiding modern heart care? The specifics […]
As the year ends, the temptation builds to a crescendo. I don’t break the rule often, but I just can’t help myself tonight. A top-12 list? I know that succumbing to temptation implies weakness. Top-anything lists are surely not very literary, intellectual or hard-edged. But reflecting on cycling in the midst of winter when one […]
Heart-healthy Christmas Wishes
Peace. Oh do we all need more peace. Grace. This one, I need more of than most. Patience. Slow down world. Please. Hope. Optimism. Sometimes the positive hides itself well. Generosity. Not just of treasure, but of talent and time too. Love. And loved ones. Imagine a world with more love. And Friends. People need […]