Health Care Reform ICD/Pacemaker Knowledge Reflection

Impending ICD oversight may not be a bad thing…

At the risk of exposing my naivete, or being too much like the geeky student who sits in the front of the classroom, I can’t help but welcome the upcoming policing of cardiac device implants.   As recently written by Dr Wes, government policing agencies, the DOJ and RAC folks, are planning to focus on […]

Cycling Stuff Cyclocross Reflection

Cyclocross: A community worthy of gratitude…

Please, not another bike story. Worst news: no pics, just words. Sorry, it’s Sunday night and Will and I raced bikes today. Bikes are the vehicle, the real story is community. The community of people who do this cyclocross thing. I consider myself very lucky to be a member. I grew up in a large […]